Pregnancy can be both an extremely exciting and stressful time. We know you will have a lot of questions, so we have compiled this list of resources to answer some of the most commonly asked questions expectant mothers often have.

Special Notice Regarding Designated Support Persons on AHS sites:

Giving birth during a pandemic can generate questions and concerns. Alberta Health Services (AHS) is taking extra precautions for the safety and comfort of expectant individuals and their designated support person in hospital facilities. If you have questions about who can be with you for hospital appointments, delivery and during your stay, visit:


Prenatal Education

  • Misericordia Community Hospital

    Prenatal Classes

    As part of the Prenatal Education Program, prenatal classes are available for pregnant women who plan to give birth at the Misericordia Community Hospital, or any hospital in Edmonton and surrounding areas. Prenatal classes provide information about labour, birth, breast and bottle feeding, and postpartum care. Women are encouraged to bring a partner to the classes with them.  All classes at the Misericordia Hospital include a tour of the labour & delivery and postpartum units.

    Registration is required for all prenatal classes, and payment is due 30 days in advance.  Only ten couples are registered for a class, so it is best to call early. The prenatal booking office is open two evenings a week at 780.735.2760. There is also a 24/7 recorded message at this number with available class dates and times.
  • Tummy Talks is a free online module consisting of 2 classes.  They can be found at, once you are on the website choose University of Alberta and follow the prompts to register. 

Nutrition & Pregnancy

Medication & Product Safety

  • Pregnancy Pocket Guide
  • Motherisk
    1-877-327-4636 Alcohol and Substance
    1-800-436-8477 Morning Sickness
    1-888-246-5840 HIV and HIV Treatment
    1-877-439-2744 Motherisk Helpline
    416-813-6780 Motherisk Helpline

    Motherisk counselors talk to hundreds of women and their healthcare providers each day providing guidance, support and peace of mind. So if you don't find the information you are looking for on this website, try calling one of our Helplines. Motherisk counselors are available Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.

Child Safety

  • Child Safety Seat Information Session
    At selected Saint John Ambulance Centres, this FREE information session is intended to provide parents and caregivers information on how to correctly install a child safety seat and to transport children safely in a vehicle. It also provides an overview of the law in Alberta regarding occupant restraints and is taught by trained volunteers through the Community Services department of St John.

    Edmonton Centre holds sessions every third Wednesday of the month from 7-9 pm.
    Please call your local centres for other dates and to register.Phone: (780) 452-6565 

Infant Nutrition

Adjusting to Parenthood

Community Resources

  • Westview Public Health
    Phone: 780-968-3700
  • Alberta Parenting for the Future 
    Dedicated to creating a dynamic centre where families gather together, connect with each other, and strengthen family relationships.
    Phone: (780) 963-0549                                                        
  • Family and Community Support Services (FCSS)
    Queen Street Place
    105 - 505 Queen Street
    Spruce Grove, Alberta  T7X 2V2
    Phone (Program Registration and General Information): (780) 962-7618
    Office hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. - noon and 12:30 - 4 p.m.

Disclaimer: The physicians and staff at Westgrove Clinic are not responsible for any of the information found on the Websites listed. We do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, relevancy or completeness of the information found on the links provided. These websites are of a general nature and the information found on them may or may not be applicable to any one person’s medical problems. The physicians and staff at Westgrove Clinic assume no liability arising from mistakes or incompleteness of information found on the websites we have provided links to. We cannot guarantee the continued integrity or functionality of the sites listed.

Prenatal Resources


Working in Pregnancy

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