
Westgrove Clinic is a registered teaching site for the department of Family Medicine at the University of Alberta. As part of the Westview Community Teaching Site we are one of the main teaching centres for new family physicians in the Edmonton Zone. The physicians who work at the clinic may have a resident physician or a medical student working with them during any given time period. It is your right to not be seen by a learner, please inform the front staff if this is your wish for your current appointment. That said, your participation in teaching the next generation of family physicians is the only way we can attract new doctors to our community and help fix the health care crisis we are in.

A resident physician is a person who has completed a medical degree (M.D) and who practices under the supervision of fully licensed physician, to gain further in- depth training within the discipline of family medicine. A resident physician can do full histories, physical examinations, procedures, and write prescriptions. Depending on their stage of training, a resident physician may be the sole physician you see at a given visit. Please know, if you see a second year resident your case will be reviewed with their preceptor even if the physician doesn't actually see you during your appointment.

Please help us create a welcome learning environment by accepting care from the resident physicians in our clinic. To facilitate their learning, each resident will be following a small group of patients more closely. If you have seen the same resident on a few occasions you may become part of their patient panel and we ask that you choose to see them as your primary care physician during their second year of training when they have clinic days in our office (typically one full clinic day twice a month). This is very beneficial to them as they learn to become a competent and caring doctor and learn to manage all aspects of family practice. It will also benefit you, as you will have more time with your doctor and you will be able to mold the next generation of family doctors. Rest assured, if there is a complex medical issue that they require more help with, their preceptor physician, your family doctor, is always available in clinic.

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